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25/2 – Autumn 2020
Front Matter
Evolution, Middle Knowledge, and Theodicy
A Philosophical ReflectionThreats, Coercion, and Willingness to Damn
Three More Objections against the Unpopulated Hell ViewExorcism and Justified Belief in Demons
The Doctrine of Double Effect
A Comparison of the Version of Thomas Aquinas and Contemporary Accounts as Formulated by Joseph Mangan and Joseph BoyleCan Scientists Help Philosophers Regarding the Nature of Phenomenal Experience?
Girard's Optimism
From “catharsis in the text” to “catharsis of the text”
“A Marginal Commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics” by Roman Ingarden in the (critical) light of mimetic theoryEvolution, Middle Knowledge, and Theodicy
A Philosophical Reflection
Book Reviews
Cover.25.2 (663k)
Reviewers of Articles Submitted in 2020
Note about Forum Philosophicum
25/1 – Spring 2020
Front Matter
Editorial Note
The Concept of Imago Dei as a Symbol of Religious Inclusion and Human Dignity
To personalise or not to personalise
Simone Weil's struggle in her understanding of GodPhenomenological Spirituality and its Relationship to Religion
Phenomenology of Interior Life and the Trinity
Analysing Michel Henry’s Phenomenological Schism between Life and World in Light of the Christian Doctrine of the TrinityForms and Movements of Life
Existential and Metaphysical Responsibility in Jan PatočkaHow Problematic is an Unpopulated Hell?
Antaios: a mythical and symbolic Hermeneutics
Religious Convictions and Moral Motivation
Theopoetics to Theopraxis
Toward a Critchlean Supplement to Caputo’s Radical Political Theology
Book Reviews
Ilse Somavilla, Carl Humphries, Bożena Sieradzka-Baziur, eds. Wittgensteins Denkbewegungen (Tagebücher 1930–1932/1936–1937) aus interdisziplinärer Sicht. Wittgenstein’s Denkbewegungen (diaries 1930–1932/1936–1937): Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
Graham James McAleer. Erich Przywara and Postmodern Natural Law: A History of the Metaphysics of Morals.
Kazimierz M. Wolsza, ed. Stanisław Kamiński. The Polish Christian Philosophy in the 20th Century
Note about Forum Philosophicum
cover.25.1 (644k)
24/2 – Fall 2019
Front Matter
Intelligence, Artificial and Otherwise
Artificial Intelligence versus Agape Love
Spirituality in a Posthuman AgeWhy Technoscience Cannot Reproduce Human Desire According to Lacanian Thomism
David I. Dubrovsky and Merab Mamardashvili
Adam’s Second Fall and the Advent of the Cyber-LeviathanA Rapture of the Nerds?
A Comparison between Transhumanist Eschatology and Christian ParousiaTranshumanism, Posthumanism, and the Catholic Church
Will Postmortal Catholics Have “The Right to Die”?
The Transhumanist and Catholic Perspectives on Death and Immortality
Articles on other subjects
Book Reviews
Reviewers of Articles Submitted in 2019
Note about Forum Philosophicum
24/1 – Spring 2019
Cover (1.2M)
Front Matter
Historian in Disguise
On Derrida, Durkheim and the Intellectual Ambition of René GirardPolarized Readings of René Girard
Utilizing Girardian Thought to Break a Theological and Philosophical ImpasseMemory, Origins, and the Searching Quest in Girard’s Mimetic Cycle
An Arendtian PerspectiveDemystifying the Negative
René Girard’s Critique of the “Humanization of Nothingness”Myth and il y a
A Convergent Reading of René Girard and Emmanuel LevinasSacrificing Homo Sacer
René Girard reads Giorgio AgambenThe Quranic Jesus
Prophet and Scapegoat
Book Reviews
Note about Forum Philosophicum
23/2 – Fall 2018
Front Matter
René Girard and the Deferral of Violence
Theology and Catastrophe
A (Girardian) Semiotics of Re-HumanizationRené Girard and the Epistemology of Revelation
How Girard Helped Me Understand the Distinction between Nature and Grace
The Scapegoat, Evangelical Revelation and Resentment
On Mimesis, Folkways, and the Impossibility of Christianity
Mimesis and Attention
On Christian SophrosyneCircles of Failure, Strategies of Hope
A Girardian Perspective on the Tragic VisionThe Fall of Satan, Rational Psychology, and the Division of Consciousness
A Girardian Thought Experiment
Book Reviews
Brian Besong, and Jonathan Fuqua, eds. Faith and Reason: Philosophers Explain their Turn to Catholicism
Book ReviewMałgorzata Hołda. Paul Ricœur’s Concept of Subjectivity and the Postmodern Claim of the Death of the Subject.
Book ReviewPiotr Warzoszczak. Fikcjonalizm modalny [Modal Fictionalism]
Book Review
Reviewers of Articles Submitted for 2018 Issues of Forum Philosophicum
Note about Forum Philosophicum
23/1 - Spring 2018
Front Matter
Religious Presuppositions of Logic and Rationality
An EnquiryWhy skeptical theists are not in a scenario of Olly-style deception
A new response to the global skepticism objectionBauman on Moral Blindness
Analyzing the Liquidity in Standards of Moral ValuationA Trace of Similarity within Even Greater Dissimilarity
Thomistic Foundations of Erich Przywara’s Teaching on Analogy
Book Reviews
Note about Forum Philosophicum
22/2 - Fall 2017
Ricoeur Dossier
Cover (374k)
Front Matter
Articles on Other Subjects
Reviewers of Articles Submitted for 2017 Issues of Forum Philosophicum
Note about Forum Philosophicum
22/1 - Spring 2017
Front Matter
The Conscious Brain
Some Views, Concepts and Remarks on the Conscious Brain from Neurobiological PerspectiveA Reconstruction of John the Grammarian’s Account of Substance in Terms of Enhypostaton
Hegel’s Phenomenology of Unhappy Consciousness
The Dialectic of the Phenomenology of Spirit as the Education of ConsciousnessEffect anticipation and the experience of voluntary action control
Book Reviews
Note about Forum Philosophicum
21/2 - Fall 2016
Front Matter
Omniscience, Free Will, and Religious Belief
Schmalenbach on Standing Alone before God
A Philosophical Case-Study in Ontologico-Historical UnderstandingIamblichus’ Response to Aristotle’s Theory of Time
The Imagination in Kant and Fichte, and Some Reflections on Heidegger’s Interpretation
Paul Ricoeur’s narrative identity and Mikhail Bakhtin’s polyphony of speech – the intersections Resubmission
Book Reviews
Cover (81k)
Note about Forum Philosophicum
Reviewers of Articles Submitted in 2016
21/1 - Spring 2016
Cover (100k)
Front Matter
Editors’ Note
Erich Przywara, G.W.F. Hegel and the Principle of Non-ContradictionHistoricity and Christian Life Experience in the Early Philosophy of Martin Heidegger
The Immense House of Postcards
The Idea of Tradition following Lévinas and DerridaFrom Ontology to Ontologies to Trans-Ontology
The Postmodern Narrative of History and Trans-Theological Ludic TranshumanismReading Heidegger through the Cross
On Eberhard Jüngel’s Heideggerian Ontology
Book Reviews
Note about Forum Philosophicum
20/2 - Fall 2015
Front Matter
Guest Editors’ Note
Editorial Note
Abbreviations Used in Current Issue
Otherwise than Identity, or Beyond Difference
Maximus the Confessor and the Hypostatic-Transfigurement of Fundamental OntologyI Know You Above All; I Know You Not
St. Maximus the Confessor on Divine and Human Knowledge and LoveThe Ontology of Virtue as Participation in Divine Love in the Works of St. Maximus the Confessor
Maximus and Socrates on Trial
A Historic-Literary Consanguinity of RebellionUnity, Interdependence, and Multiplicity in Maximus the Confessor
An Engagement with Heidegger’s Topology
Book Reviews
Note about Forum Philosophicum
Cover (106k)
Reviewers of Articles Published in 2015
20/1 - Spring 2015
Front Matter
A Note from the Editor on the Forthcoming 20th Anniversary of the Journal
Book Reviews
Note about Forum Philosophicum
19/2 - Fall 2014
Front Matter
Christian Feminism, Gender and Human Essences
Toward a Solution of the Sameness and Difference DilemmaCan Causal Chains Extend Back Infinitely?
Entailment, Determinism, and a Cosmological ArgumentIs panentheism naturalistic?
How Panentheistic Conceptions of Divine Action Imply DualismAbove Reason: Propositions and Contradiction in the Religious Thought of Robert Boyle
Solving Contradictions: Is Maximus the Confessor’s “Intelligible Creation” Imperishable or Corruptible?
Solving Contradictions on Imperishability and Corruptibility
Book Reviews
Reviewers of Articles Published in 2014
Note about Forum Philosophicum
Cover (465k)
19/1 - Spring 2014
Front Matter
An Unending Sphere of Relation
Martin Buber’s Conception of PersonhoodReviving Scheler’s Phenomenological Account of the Person for the 21st Century
Wojtyla on the Person and Consciousness
The Foundations of Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec’s Metaphysical Personalism
Reflections on Epictetus’ notion of personhood
The Face of the Soul, the Face of God
Maximus the Confessor and Prosōpon
Book Reviews & Summaries
Note about Forum Philosophicum
Cover (87k)
18/2 - Fall 2013
Front Matter
A Century of Separation
A Note from the EditorArticles
The Renaissance Versus the Avant-Garde
“Scientific Atheism” in Action
Soviet Sociology of Religion as an Agent of Marxist-Atheist Propaganda from the 1960s to the 1980sFreedom and Kenosis
A Reading of Nicolas Berdyaev’s Philosophy of FreedomThe Tragedy of Cosmogonic Objectivation In The Valentinian Gnosis And Russian Philosophy
Vladimir Solovyov, Lev Karsavin, and Nikolay BerdyaevSemyon Frank
An Apotheosis of Democracy in the Name of Personal ServicePeter Ehlen’s Christian Reading of Frank’s Russian Religious Philosophy
Book Reviews
Back Matter
Main cover (178k)
Cover (61k)
Other main image (15k)
18/1 - Spring 2013
Front Matter
Distinguishing the Lover of Peace from the Pacifist, the Appeaser and the Warmonger on Hard Times
Kant, Augustine, and Room for Faith
Kierkegaard’s construction of human self
The Fear, Honor, and Love of God
Thomas Jefferson on Jews, Philosophers, and JesusSkeptical Theism and the Threshold Problem
A Deistic Discussion of Murphy and Tracy’s Accounts of God’s Limited Activity in the Natural World
Substance Dualism and the Unity of Consciousness
Note about Forum Philosophicum
Cover (88k)
17/2 - Fall 2012
Front Matter
Faith as a Mustard Seed
The Beauty of Christian Art
How to Be a Friendly Skeptical Theist
Grim, omniscience, and Cantor’s theorem
The Philosophical Originality of a Theologian
The Case of a Patristic Author Forgotten and Overlooked by HistoryFaith and conscience – the surest of arguments for the existence of God
Book Reviews
Back Matter
17/1 - Spring 2012
Front Matter
Book Reviews
Back Matter
Cover (76k)
16/2 - Fall 2011
Front Matter
Dennett’s Account of Mind versus Kim’s Supervenience Argument
Logos und Glaube im ‘secular age’
Zur Religionsphilosophischen Aktualität des Ebner’schen DenkensToday’s Truly Philosophical Philosopher of Religion
Der Glückliche Weg zum Erfolg Eines Tugendhaften
Does Ordinary Morality Imply Atheism?
A Reply to MaitzenOn Buddhist and Taoist Morality
Spinoza und Seine Philosophie im Schaffen der Deutschsprachigen Dichterin Rose Ausländer
Book Reviews
16/1 - Spring 2011
Front Matter
A New Realistic Spirit
The Analytical and the Existential Approaches to OntologyVoilà pourquoi je ne suis pas ‘ontologue’
La pertinence de l'ontologie pour la théologie
Le contemporain naturalisme et l’ontologie humaine
vers un essentialisme différentAristotle on Touch
Bonum est causa mali
A Problem and an Opportunity for Metaphysics in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas and HegelDisenchantment, Rationality and the Modernity of Max Weber
Religious Experience
Reframing the QuestionUniversal Claims
Cover (75k)
15/2 - Fall 2010
Front Matter
Skeptical Theism, Moral Skepticism, and Divine Deception
Finding a Systematic Base for Derrida’s Work
The Hermeneutical Keys to William James’s Philosophy of Religion
Protestant Impulses, Vital BeliefThese Ultimate Springs and Principles
Science, Religion and the Limits of ReasonGod and Toleration
Philosophical Implications of Naturalizing Religion
The Universal and Particular Dimensions of the Holocaust Story and the Emergence of Global Ethics
Against Ineffability
Why Thinking in Faith?
A Reappraisal of Edith Stein’s View of ReasonAll-Unity according to V. Soloviev and S. Frank
A Comparative AnalysisDie Grundlagen des Modernen Fundamentalismus
Book Reviews & Notices
Cover (82k)
15/1 - Spring 2010
Front Matter
Moral and Epistemic Virtues
A Thomistic and Analytical PerspectiveFalse Optimism?
Leibniz, Evil, and the Best of all Possible WorldsThe Ontological Argument Revisited
A Reply to RoweHeidegger’s Notion of Religion
The Limits of Being-UnderstandingConflicting Higher and Lower Order Evidences in the Epistemology of Disagreement about Religion
Confession Rituals and the Philosophy of Forgiveness in Asian Religions and Christianity
Does “One Cannot Know” Entail “Everyone is Right?”
The Relationship between Epistemic Scepticism and RelativismComfort in Annihilation
Three Studies in Materialism and MortalityGod’s Divinely Justified Knowledge is Incompatible with Human Free Will
The Unknown God and His Theophanies
Exodus and Gregory of NyssaBeyond the Myth / Philosophy Dichotomy
Foundations for an Interdependent PerspectiveHobbes’s Theory of State
The Structure and Function of State as the Key to its EnduringReligion and Violence or the Reluctance to Study this Relationship
205Autodeterminazione nella visione personalistica di Karol Wojtyła
Book Reviews
14/2 - Fall 2009
Front Matter
Reference, Description, and Explanation
Where Metaphysics Went Wrong?The Modern Synthesis: Einstein and Kant
The Polish Contribution to World Philosophy
Omnipotence and the Vicious Circle Principle
The Many Ways God Is
Ontological Pluralism and Traditional Christian TheismAffective Knowledge of God
Is Gadamer's Hermeneutics Inherently Conservative?
Divine Command Theory in the Passage of History
Consciousness and Evolution
Problematic of Technology and the Realms of Salvation in Heidegger's Philosophy
Was Verdanken wir Descartes in der Gegenwärtigen Debatte über das Leib-Seele-Problem?
Book Reviews
Stanisław Janeczek. Edukacja oświeceniowa a szkoła tradycyjna
Z dziejów kultury intelektualnej i filozoficznejJózef Bremer, Josef Rothhaupt, ed. Ludwig Wittgenstein ‘przydzielony do Krakowa’
Michał Heller. Podglądanie Wszechświata
Gerhard Ernst. Einführung in die Erkenntnistheorie
Zdzisława Piątek. Ekofilozofia
Back Matter
14/1 - Spring 2009
Front Matter
Philippa Foot's Theory of Natural Goodness
Philia and Social Ethics
Extending Habermas and Ratzinger's Dialectics of Secularization
Eastern Discursive Influences on Faith and Reason in a Postsecular AgeThe Interplay of Philosophy and Religion in the Chinese Culture
Culture and the Embodiment of Cultural Ideals as Preliminary to a Philosophy of Culture
The Relational Logic of Franciscus Toletus and Petrus Fonseca
How Does the Akratês Intentionally Do What He Intended Not to without Changing His Mind?
The Dignity of the Person in the Context of Human Providence
Did God Begin to Exist ex Nihilo
Dimensions of Corporeality
A Metatheoretical Analysis of Anthropologists' Concern with the Human BodyPersonalistic and Utilitarian View of Marriage According to Early Wojtyła
Book Reviews
Back Matter
13/2 - Fall 2008
Front Matter
Is There a Metaphysical Proof of God's Existence?
The Pros and Cons of ‘Intelligent Design'
Towards a Hermeneutics of Religion(s)
A Reading of Ricoeur's ReadingsAvoiding the Afterlife in Theodicy
Victims of Suffering and the Argument from UsefulnessWhat is Sufism?
Weisheit Gottes nach Thomas von Aquin
Being a Person and Acting as a Person
Tertium non datur?
Der Streit zwischen Idealismus und Dogmatismus in Fichtes Versuch einer neuen Darstellung der WissenschaftslehreEine Skizze der Ontologie der Welt und des Menschen bei Wittgenstein und Ingarden
En quel sens la fiction possède-t-elle une fonction cognitive?
Le texte à la jonction entre le langage poétique vif et I'action sensée selon P. RicoeurNaturalized Epistemology and the Normative
Evolutionary Psychology as the Contemporary Myth
Metaphysics and Time
Book Reviews
Michał Heller. Ostateczne wyjaśnienia wszechświata
Józef Bremer. Osoba—fikcja czy rzeczywistość?
Tożsamość i jedność ja w świetle badań neurologicznychIreneusz Ziemiński. Śmierć, nieśmiertelność, sens życia
Egzystencjalny wymiar filozofii Ludwiga WittgensteinaHilarion Alfeyev. The Holy Mystery of the Church
Introduction to the History and Problems in the Debates on the OnomatodoxyStanisław Kowalczyk. Zarys filozofii polityki
13/1 - Spring 2008
Front Matter
Simone Weil and Gerard Manley Hopkins on God, Affliction, Necessity and Sacrifice
Swinburne on the Euthyphro Dilemma
Can Supervenience Save Him?Human Authenticity and the Question of God in the Philosophy of Bernard Lonergan
The 'Meditational' Genre of Descartes' Meditations
Time and Its Philosophical Implications
Explicit and Implicit Assumptions in Noam Chomsky's Theory of Language
Czeżowski's Axiological Concepts as Full-Fledged Modalities
We Must Either Make What Is Good, Or Become RevisionistsThe Strong Version of Underdetermination of Theories by Empirical Data
The Evolutionary Concept of Human Death
Making ‘Reasons’ Explicit
How Normative is Brandom's Inferentialism?
Book Reviews
Adam Grobler. Metodologia nauk
Friedrich August von Hayek. Konstytucja wolności
Ireneusz Ziemiński. Tod, Unsterblichkeit, Sinn des Lebens
Existentielle Dimension der Philosophie von Ludwig WittgensteinJoanna Barcik, ed. De la philosophie reflexive à l'herméneutique
Philosophie française de la religion
12/2 - Fall 2007
Front Matter
Bridging the Gulf between Wittgenstein's Works
A Matter of ShowingAn Aesthetic Grounding for the Role of Concepts in Experience in Kant, Wittgenstein and Mcdowell
Tractarian Ontology
Mereology or Set Theory?Ontology in Astronomy
The Problem of Evil in Józef Tischner's Philosophy
The Positive and Negative Rights of Pre-Natal Organisms and Infants/Children in Virtue of Their Potentiality for Autonomous Agency
Intrinsic Value and the Argument from Regress
Philosophy of the Jesuits in Lithuania since the 16th until the 18th Century
Reception of some Aspects of the Hippocratic Medical Ethics in Antiquity
Derrida and Husserl on Time
A Defence of Pluralism in the Debate about Natural Kinds
Case Study from the Classification of Celestial ObjectsPutnamian Constraints on Pluralistic Theology of Religions
Weisheit als Wissenschaft über Gott nach Thomas von Aquin
Une anthropologie à la base d'une pensée religieuse
l'unité de l'homme dans la théologie de Maxime le ConfesseurLes aspects philosophiques de la théologie selon Jean Duns Scot
de la science à la pratique
Book Reviews
12/1 - Spring 2007
Front Matter
Proof for the Existence of God in Classical Indian Philosophy
Traversing the Infinite and Proving the Existence of God
Logical and Metaphysical Assumptions of Bernard Bolzano’s Theodicy
The Conquest of Mythos by Logos
Countering Religion without Faith in Irenaeus, Coleridge and GadamerThe Philosophy of Moral Development
The Notion of Conceptualized Experience in John Mcdowell's Mind and World
Spinoza and the Possibility of Error
Existential Analysis in Roman Ingarden's Ontology
Transcendent Action in the Light of C.S. Peirce's Architectonic System
The Philosophical Foundations of the Kinematic Atomism of Ruder Josip Boscovich
Personhood in Bioethics
The Accumulation of Change Depending on the Time Factor
Book Reviews
Cover (73k)
11 - 2006
Front Matter
The Concept of Value in the Ethical Thougth of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła
Knowledge and Reality
O empirycznych przesłankach pluralizmu bytowego
The Origins of Human Being
A Theory of Animation According to Tadeusz ŚlipkoThe Philosophical Concepts in Ryszard Otowicz’s Bioethics
Philosophical Problems with Disembodied Existence and Survival of Death
Ruch unieruchomiony
Peirce o „substancji” i „fundamentach”
Amore, amicizia e carità in san Tommaso d'Aquino
Einführung in die politische Theorie Eric Voegelins
Puti Russkoy Skholastiki
Drogi rosyjskiej scholastyki
Shestov's Quest for Certainty of Faith
Giuseppe Angiolini SJ (1747–1814), profesor filozofii w Akademii Połockiej
Giuseppe (Joseph) Angiolini, S.J. (1747–1814), Professor of Philosophy at The Polotsk Academy
Wykłady filozoficzne do użytku studentów Akademii Połockiej
Ordinatio pro studiis superioribus u jezuitów w połowie XVII wieku
Book Reviews
Życie a orientacja w rzeczywistości przyrodniczej
Presentation of the Encyclopaedia of Bioethics
Universal Encyclopaedia of Philosophy
Byt i sens
Księga Pamiątkowa VII Polskiego Zjazdu Filozoficznego w SzczeciniePhilosophia Vitam Alere
Jak to jest być świadomym?
Analityczne teorie umysłu a problem świadomościEdith-Stein-Jahrbuch
Adam Adamandy Kochański (1631-1700)
Studium z dziejów filozofii i nauki w Polsce w XVII wiekuKorespondencja Adama Adamandego Kochańskiego SJ (1657–1699)
L’esperienza tragica come iniziazione
Lev ŠestovReligiöse Erfahrung zwischen Emotion und Kognition
William James’ Karl Girgensohns, Rudolf Otto und Carl Gustav Jungs Psychologie des religiösen Erlebens
Cover (2.7M)
10 - 2005
Front Matter
The Anthropological Foundations of Dignity of Man
Limits of Life Shaped by Ethics: A Short Introduction to Tadeusz Ślipko's Bioethics
Between Pragmatics and Rehgious Experience. Hugo Tristram Engelhardt's Concept of Bioethics
Wchodzenie w Byt
Theory of Transcendentals and the Basic Furniture of Mind Hypothesis
Poststructuralist Deconstruction of Meaning as a Challenge to the Discourse of Theism
Biomolecular perfection and the „common descent"
Ist die Welt kausal geschlossen?
Evolution of the Cathohic Social Teaching in the Years 1891-2002
II concetto di legge nella Summa theologiae di San Tommaso d'Aquino
History of Philosophy in Lithuania (I)
Eliae Downarowicz SJ (1625-1689) Doctrina Socialis
in ipsius opusculo «Homo politicus seu civilis» contentaVincentius Buczyński, S.J. (1789-1853), on the Way to a Revival of Thomism
Metafizyczny Solipsyzm Według „Wczesnego" Ludwiga Wittgensteina
Ethos politico nello stato democratico secondo Luigi Sturzo
Gerda Walther: życie - fenomenologia - mistyka
Book Reviews
Powszechna Encyklopedia Filozofii
Stanisław Kowalczyk. Filozofia pochylona nad człowiekiem
Michael Heller. Creative Tension. Essays on Science and Religion
Andreas Tapken. Der notwendige Andere. Eine interdisziplinäre Studie im Dialog mit Heinz Kohut und Edith Stein
A. Reichold. Die vergessene Leiblichkeit. Zur Rolle des Körpers in ontologischen und ethischen Persontheorien
Ulrich Lüke. Mensch - Natur - Gott
Friedrich Rapp. Destruktive Freiheit. Ein Plädoyer gegen die Maßlosigkeit der modernen Welt
Dominique Lambert, René Resöhazy. Comment les pattes viennent au serpent. Essai sur l'etonnante plasticite du vivant
Hans-Dietrich Mutschler. Naturphilosophie
Christopher Hitchcock, ed. Contemporary Debates in the Philosophy of Science
Józef W. Bremer. Wprowadzenie do logiki
Georg Schuppener, Karel Mačák. Stanislav Vydra (1741-1804). Zwischen Elementarmathematik und nationaler Wiedergeburt
Stanisław Kowalczyk. Idee filozoficzne postmodernizmu
Józef Bremer, and Robert Janusz, ed. Philosophia Rationis Magistra Vitae
Roman Darowski. Studies in the Philosophy of the Jesuits in Poland in the 16th to 18th centuries
Cover (2.6M)
9 - 2004
Cover (3.9M)
Front Matter
On Cognitive Validity of Religious Experience
Kann ,Form' durch information' ersetzt werden?
Anmerkungen zu Nietzsche
unter Berücksichtigung seiner progressiven ParalyseJedna czy wiele dusz?
Problem pochodzenia dusz ludzkich
Refleksje na temat artykułu Stanisława Ziemiańskiego pt. Jedna czy wiele dusz?Kilka uwag w związku z Refleksjami Jolanty Koszteyn
Opinie wczesnochrześcijańskich i scholastycznych myślicieli na temat decyzji pacjenta o rezygnacji z interwencji medycznych
Poglądy etyczne Mariana Morawskiego SJ
Teoria intelektu możnościowego i jej konsekwencje w kontekście polemiki Tomasza z Akwinu z awerroizmem łacińskim
Il Problema dell'immortalità dell'anima in S. Tommaso d'Aquino
Plio-pleistocene Hominids: Epistemological and Taxonomic Problems
Abstrakcja, obiekty i cywilizacja globalna
Alchemia Adama Kochańskiego SJ
Ewolucja katolickiej nauki społecznej, ale jaka?
Józef Alojzy Dmowski SJ (1799-1879) Precursor of the Renewal of Thomism
Adamus Quirinus Krasnodębski SJ (1628-1702) eiusque philosophicum opus
Book Reviews
Stanisław Janeczek. Logika czy epistemologia? Historyczno-filozoficzne uwarunkowania nowożytnej koncepcji logiki [Logik oder Epistemologie? Geschichtlich-philosophische Bedingtheiten der neuzeitlichen Konzeption der Logik]
Hans-Dieter Mutschler. Naturphilosophie [Filozofia przyrody]
Dan Lloyd. Radiant Cool. A Novel Theory of Consiousness [Promienienny chłód. Nowa teoria świadomości]
Edith Stein. Themen, Bezüge - Dokumente [Edith Stein: Tematy - odniesienia - dokumenty]
Religion: Entstehung - Funktion - Wesen [Religia: Powstanie - funkcja - istota]
Wojciech Słomski. Szkice o filozofii polskiej XX wieku [Drafts on Polish Philosophy of the 20th century]
Wojciech Słomski. W stronę człowieka, Wokół koncepcji filozofii Antoniego Kępińskiego [In the direction of man. About Antoni Kępiński's conception of philosophy]
Władimir Władimirowicz Kokluchin. Istorija obščestvennych dviženij i političeskich partij [Historia ruchów społecznych i partii politycznych]
8 - 2003
Front Matter
Intellectual Dimension of Jesuit Ministries
Discourse of Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, Superior General of the Society of Jesus held on 20 May 2002 at the University School of Philosophy and of Education „Ignatianum'' in Cracow/PolandPhilosophy of Culture and European Identity
Personalism versus Principlism in Bioethics
Possibility - Actuality - God
Mariana I. Morawskiego SJ pojęcie filozofii w zastosowaniu do współczesnej dyskusji wokół encykliki Jana Pawła II Fides et ratio
Actio immanens - a fundamental concept of biological investigation
Ewolucja katolickiej nauki społecznej w latach 1891-2002
Wartość miłości czy miłość wartości?
W drodze do źródeł świadomości aksjologicznej Maxa ScheleraJohn Hick's philosophy of religious pluralism - A Critical Examination
Nietzscheanische Fäden im Denken von Leszek Kołakowski
Franciszka Gabryla antropologia i teoria poznania
Koncepcja filozofii w korespondencji Adama Kochańskiego SJ z Gottfriedem Leibnizem
Georgius Gengell SJ (1657-1727) eiusque ad atheismi quæstionem relatio
Jan Gerardinus SJ (1563-1606), jezuita belgijski, profesor filozofii w Polsce
II problema della libertà in S. Anselme d'Aosta
Book Reviews
Zenon Grocholewski. Filosofia del diritto di Giovanni Paolo II [Jana Pawla II filozofia prawa]
Roman Darowski. Filozofia człowieka, Zarys problematyki - Antologia tekstów [Anthropologie philosophique. Esquisse de la problematique - Anthologie de textes]
Tadeusz Ślipko. Zarys etyki ogólnej [Outline of General Ethics]
Józef Bremer. Ludwig Wittgenstein a Religia - Wprowadzenie [Ludwig Wittgenstein and Religion - Introduction]
Józef Bremer. Elementy logiki [The Elements of Logic]
Stanisław Kowalczyk. Elementy filozofii i teologii sportu [The elements of philosophy and theology of sport]
Vittorio Possenti. Filosofia e rivelazione, Un contributo al dibattito su ragione e fede [Filozofia a objawienie. Przyczynek do debaty na temat rozumu i wiary]
Wittgenstein's Nachlass: The Bergen Electronic Edition [Dzieła pośmiertne Wittgensteina: Bergeńskie Wydanie Elektroniczne]
V. Černik, J. Vicenik, E. Višnowský. Historické typy racionality
Cover (831k)
7 – 2002
Wiara i wiedza
Die Abhängigkeitsrelation in der Argumentation für die Existenz Gottes
Tadeusz Ślipko SJ
Biographisch-bibliographische Daten und philosophische EinsichtenOn Paley, Epagogé, Technical Mind and a fortiori Argumentation
System wartości Unii Europejskiej
«Karta Praw Podstawowych»Treue zur Wirklichkeit
Hedwig Conrad-Martius über RealitätMartin Heidegger i Ludwig Wittgenstein o milczeniu
The project on formulating axioms of efficient causality by means of the prepositional variables calculus
Filozofia nauki K. R. Poppera a semantyka A. Tarskiego
Mind in the World
A Brief Introduction to Searle's Concept of IntentionalityII diritto alia libertà personale e alia cittadinanza dei contadini polacchi e lituani in Aron Aleksander Olizarowski (1610-1659)
Adalbertus (Wojciech) Tylkowski SJ (1624-1695) eiusque „philosophia curiosa" (1669)
Professor Jan Sieg SJ (1919-2001) - In Memoriam
Book Reviews
Witold Mackiewicz ed. Polska filozofia powojenna [Polnische Philosophie der Nachkriegszeit]
Józef Bremer. Problem umysł-ciało. Wprowadzenie [The Body-Mind Problem. An Introduction]
Stanisław Kowalczyk. Wolność naturą i prawem człowieka, Indywidualny i społeczny wymiar wolności [Freedom - A Human's Nature and One's Right. The Individual and Social Aspects of Freedom]
Stanisław Kowalczyk. U podstaw demokracji. Zagadnienia aksjologiczne [At the Base of Democracy: Questions in Axiology]
Krzysztof Stachewicz. W poszukiwaniu podstaw moralności. Tomistyczna etyka prawa naturalnego a etyka wartości Dietricha von Hildebranda
Jerzy Perzanowski ed. Izydora Dąmbska (1904-1983). Materiały z sympozjum, „Non est necesse vivere, necesse est philosophar" Kraków, 18-19 grudnia 1998 r.
Roman Darowski. Filozofia jezuitów w Polsce w XX wieku. Próba syntezy - Słownik autorów
John R. Searle. Umysł na nowo odkryty [The Rediscovery of the Mind, 1992]
Robert Spaeman. Grenzen. Zur ethischen Dimension des Handelns [Granice. O etycznym wymiarze działania]
Jan Dorda. Studium o przyczynowości sprawczej z zastosowaniem w kosmologii i w teodycei [A Study of Efficient Causality as Applied to Cosmology and Theodicy]
Ladislav Borecky. Veda v nás a około nás. Úvahy o vede, človeku a spoločnosti [Nauka w nas i wokół nas]
Jorg Disse. Kleine Geschichte der abendländischen Metaphysik, Von Platon bis Hegel, [Krótka historia metafizyki zachodniej. Od Platona do Hegla]
William R. Stoeger. The laws of nature, The Range of Human Knowledge And Divine Action [Prawa natury, zakres ludzkiej wiedzy i Boże działanie]
6 – 2001
Faith and Science. A Common Responsibility for Human Dignity
Principes anthropologiques et éthiques des soins palliatifs
Austin versus Grice. Über die Voraussetzung der Analyse religiöser Sprechakte
Sujet de la guerre, sujet de la paix
(Levinas et Marcel)Abraham Joshua Heschel's Philosophy of Man
Karla R. Poppera teoria języka
Psychoanaliza - nauka czy mit?
Ludwig Wittgenstein a Sigmund FreudDer Blick auf das Ewige
Philosophische Grunderfahrung bei Schelling und ParmenidesEduard Spranger (1882-1963) i jego filozofia społeczna na tle historii Niemiec
Jan Dorda SJ (1891-1971), Scientist and Philosopher
Adrian Miaskowski SJ (1657-1737) jako filozof
Benedictus Dobszewicz SJ (1722-c. 1794) eiusque partes in philosophia Societatis Jesu in Polonia saeculo XVIII renovanda
An Obituary to Józef Tischner
The Subject of Metaphysics and the Way of its Determination
A Philosophical Symposium at „Ignatianum"
Book Reviews
Barbara Markiewicz. ed. "Między Mitem a Logosem, Europejski podręcznik filozofii" [Between the Myth and the Logos. The European Textbook of Philosophy]
Polska filozofia wobec encykliki „Fides et ratio", Toruń 19-21.04.1999. Materiały Konferencji [Polish Philosophy Faces the Encyclical „Fides et ratio". Toruń, April 19th-21st, 1999. The Proceedings from the Conference Held at the University of Toruń]
Myśl społeczna Jana Pawła II Studia i szkice pod redakcją Wiesława Piątkowskiego [Sozialphilosophie Johannes Paul II. Studien und Skizzen, zusammengestellt von Wiesław Piątkowski]
Ewolucja nauki spolecznej Kosciola. Od Rerum novarum da Centesimus annus [Entwicklung der Soziallehre der Kirche. Von Rerum novarum bis Centesimus annus]
Wojciech Słomski. Personalistyczna wizja wolności. Wokół koncepcji wolności osoby ludzkiej Emmanuela Mouniera [The Personalist Vision of Freedom: Examining Emmanuel Mounier's Concept of Personal Freedom]
Stanisław Kowalczyk. Filozofia wolności [Philosophie der Freiheit]
Andrzej Walicki. Polskie zmagania z wolnością [Polish Troubles in Freedom]
Andrzej Walicki. Idea wolności u myślicieli rosyjskich. Studia z lat 1955-1959 [The Idea of Freedom amongst Russian Thinkers Studies from the years 1955-1959]
Jerzy Perzanowski, Andrzej Pietruszczak. Logika & filozofia logiczna [Logik und logische Philosophie]
Heinrich Watzka. Sagen und Zeigen. Die Verschränkung von Metaphysik und Sprachkritik beim frühen und späten Wittgenstein [Mówienie i pokazywanie. Splot metafizyki i krytyki języka u wczesnego i późnego Wittgensteina]
Sven K. Knebel. Wille, Würfel und Wahrscheinlichkeit Das System der moralischen Notwendigkeit in der Jesuitenscholastik 1550-1700 [Wola, los i prawdopodobieństwo. System konieczności moralnej w scholastyce jezuickiej 1550-1700]
Georg Schuppener. Jesuitische Mathematik in Prag im 16, und 17, Jahrhundert (1556-1654) [Jezuicka matematyka w Pradze w XVI i XVII wieku]
Bogdan Lisiak. Jezuici polscy a nauki ścisłe od XVI do XIX wieku, Słownik bio-bibliograficzny [The Polish Jesuits and Science from the 16th through 19th Centuries: A Bio-Bibliographical Dictionary]
5 – 2000
Philosophy at the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL)
Trends - People - IdeasFilozofia jezuitów w Polsce w XX wieku
II concetto della persona umana nell'ambito del personalismo di Karol Wojtyła
Das Suchen des Menschen nach sich selbst. Personale und persönliche Philosophie Edith Steins
Periechontologia: wiedza o tym, co obejmujące jako podstawowa wiedza filozofii w myśleniu Karla Jaspersa
La méthodologie des analyses de l'expérience de Dieu dans la nouvelle phénoménologie d'Emmanuel Lévinas
Fossil Hominids - an Empirical Premise of the Descriptive Definition of homo sapiens
Wilfrid Sellars' Semantic Solution of the Mind-Body Problem
Filozofia analityczna a argument z przygodności
Locke i Newman: spór o paradygmat racjonalności w perspektywie epistemologii religii
La natura della società nel pensiero di San Tommaso d'Aquino
Stanislas Szadurski SJ (1726-1789), un représentant de la Philosophie scolastique modernisée
Book Reviews
Stanislaw Kowalczyk. Idea sprawiedliwosci spolecznej a mysl chrzescijanska [The Idea of Social Justice and the Christian Thought]
Jakub Gorczyca. Chrystus i ethos. Szkice o etyce filozoficznej w kondycji chrześcijańskiej [Christus und Ethos. Skizze einer philosophischen Ethik in christlicher Beschaffenheit]
Ulf Jonsson. Foundations for Knowing God. Bernard Lonergan's Foundations for Knowledge of God and the Challenge from Antifoundationalism [Podstawy poznania Boga. Bernarda Lonergana podstawy poznania Bega i wyzwania ze strony antyfundacjonalizmu]
Jay F. Rosenberg. Thinking clearly about Death [Myśleć jasno o śmierci]
Benjamin Tilghman. Wprowadzenie w filozofię religii [An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion]
Godehard Bruntrup, Ronald D. Tacelli. The Rationality of Theism
Roman Darowski. Studies in the Philosophy of the Jesuits in Poland in the 16th to 18th Centuries
Roman Darowski. Studia z filozofii jezuitów w Polsce XVII i XVIII wieku [The Studies on the Jesuit Philosophy in Poland in the 17th and 18th Centuries]
4 – 1999
Remarques sur la fécondité et les limites de la notion de „rupture épistémologique" dans la réflexion philosophique contemporaine sur les sciences
Is Science Eliminating Ordinary Talk?
Probleme der erkenntnistheoretischen Tradition
Substance and Cognition of Biological Phenomena
Ontological Fundaments of the Responsibility for Human Actions
Freedom and Types of its Deformation
L'apporto di K. Wojtyła agli studi sulla moderna antropologia filosofica
La dignidad del hombre como fundamento de los derechos humanos en la doctrina social de la Iglesia católica
On the descriptive terminology of the information transfer between organisms
II problema del tempo et dell'eternità nel pensiero di Sant'Agostino
L'activité philosophique de Diego Ortiz (1564-1625) en Pologne et en Lituanie
Jerzego Gengell SJ (1657-1727) rozprawa o nieśmiertelności ludzkiej duszy
Book Reviews
Spór o argumenty na istnienie Boga (Recenzja książki "Wiedzieć, że jest Bóg" Ludwika Wciórki)
Piotr Lenartowicz. Elementy teorii poznania - szkice wykładów
Józef Bremer. Rekategorisierung statt Reduktion, Zu Wilfrid Sellars' Philosophie des Geistes
Harold Stahmer. Lieber Pater Caesarius... Ihr Martin Buber. Ein Dialog in Briefen zwischen Pater Caesarius Lauer und Martin Buber (tlum. Michael Gormann-Thelen)
Josef G. F. Rothhaupt. Farbthemen in Wittgensteins Gesamtnachlaß. Philologisch-philosophische Untersuchungen im Längsschnitt und in Querschnitten
Bogdan Lisiak. Pojęcie piękna w „Process And Reality" i „Adventures of Ideas" Alfreda Northa Whiteheada [The Notion of Beauty in the „Process And Reality" and „Adventures of Ideas" of Alfred North Whitehead]
Kazimierz Jodkowski. Metodologiczne aspekty kontrowersji ewolucjonizm-kreacjonizm [Methodological aspects of evolutionism - creationism controversy]
Roman Darowski. Filozofia w szkołach jezuickich w Polsce w XVI wieku
Roman Darowski. Studia z filozofii jezuitów w Polsce w XVII i XVIII wieku [Études sur la philosophie des jésuites en Pologne au XVIIᵉ et XVIIᵉ siècle]
3 – 1998
John MacMurray's Personal Universe
Wprowadzenie do personalistycznej koncepcji wszechświata według Johna Macmurray (1891–1976)
Sprawiedliwość w świetle etyki
Problem społeczny współczesnych przemian w kontekście krytyki kapitalizmu liberalnego ze stanowiska nauki społecznej Kościoła
Filozoficzne implikacje ortodoksyjnej interpretacji teorii kwantów
Zaproszenie do (samodzielnego) myślenia
„Tragizm inicjacyjny" u F. Dostojewskiego według W. Iwanowa
Mowa i rzeczywistość w trzecim tysiącleciu: dziedzictwo Eugena Rosenstocka-Huessy, Michaiła Bachtina, Martina Bubera i Franza Rosenzweiga
W. Sellars' modifizierte Identitätstheorie
II problema dell'amicizia nel pensiero di Aristotele
Pedro Viana SJ (1549-1609) et son activité de philosophe en Lituanie
Antonio Perez (1599-1649) in seinen Beziehungen zur polnischen Jesuitenscholastik
Antonio Perez SJ (1599-1649) i jego związki z polską scholastyką jezuicką
The Jesuits and the Polish Sarmatianism
Jezuici a polski sarmatyzm
L'attività pratica dei gesuiti polacchi e lituani in favore dei contadini durante il primo secolo della presenza dell'ordine in Polonia (dal 1564)
Book Reviews
Roman Darowski. Filozofia człowieka. Zarys problematyki [Philosophie de l'homme. Esquisse de la problématique]
Kształtowanie postawy obywatelskiej, Zbiór tekstów pod redakcją Piotra Lenartowicza SJ. [The Formation of the Civic Responsability. Texts edited by Piotr Lenartowicz, S.J.]
Sylwetki jezuickich publicystów i działaczy społecznych, 1872-1918, [Gesuiti pubblicisti e animatori sociali, 1872-1918]
H. H. Dahm, A. Ignatow. Geschichte der philosophischen Traditionen Osteuropas
Assen Ignatow. Selbstauflösung des Humanismus. Die philosophisch-anthropologischen Voraussetzungen für den Zusammenbruch des Kommunismus
Roman Darowski. Poglądy filozoficzne Antoniego Skorulskiego SJ (1715-1777) [Les conceptions philosophiques d'Antoine Skorulski, S.J. (1715-1777)]
2 – 1997
The State and the Rule of Law
Państwo prawa
Indywidualizm i elita w epoce informacji
Współczesny liberalizm amerykański wobec kwestii społecznej
Filozofia polska w latach przełomu
Biological adaptation: dependence or independence from environment?
Relacja państwo-Kościół w ujęciu Jacquesa Maritaina
Some Remarks on the Criticism of the Proofs for the Existence of God Presented in 'Religion. If There Is no God' by L. Kołakowski
Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (1888-1973) i Michaił Bachtin (1895-1975): Mowa, duch i przemiana społeczna
Pojęcie prawdy w Adventures of Ideas Alfreda Northa Whiteheada
Wybrane aspekty proporcjonalizmu
La dignità dell'uomo nel pensiero di San Tommaso d'Aquino
La Philosophie des jésuites en Pologne du XVIᵉ au XVIIIᵉ siècle
Essai de synthèseJoannis Morawski SJ (1633-1700) philosophia
Spór o przygodność
Stanisław Głaz. Intensywność doświadczenia religijnego a koncepcja siebie [Intensity of Religious Experience and Self-Concept]
Roman Darowski. Wojciech Sokołowski SJ (1586-1631) i jego filozofia [Wojciech Sokołowski SJ (1586-1631) et sa Philosophie]
Stanisław Janeczek. Oświecenie chrześcijańskie. Z dziejów polskiej kultury filozoficznej [The Christian Enlightenment. A study in the history of Polish philosophical culture]
Book Reviews
Ignacy Dec. Transcendencja człowieka w przyrodzie [Transcendance de I'homme dans le monde]
Stanisław Kowalczyk. Filozofia kultury. Próba personalistycznego ujęcia problematyki [A Philosophy of Culture. The Inspirations of Personalism]
Ignacy Dec. Dwie antropologie. Tomaszowa i Marcelowa teoria człowieka [Deux anthropologies. La théorie de Thomme de Thomas d'Aquin et de Marcel]
Stanisław Głaz. Zagadnienie doświadczenia religijnego (Próba syntezy) [The Problem of Religious Experience. Attempt of synthesis]
Mirosław Szczyrba. Afirmacja Boga i życie moraine w ujęciu Jerzego Mirewicza SJ [Anerkennung der Existenz Gottes und moralisches Verhalten - nach Meinung von Jerzy Mirewicz SJ]
Roman Darowski. Filozofia w szkołach jezuickich w Polsce w XVI wieku [Philosophy in Jesuit Schools in Poland in the 16th Century]
Stanisław Obirek. Wizja państwa w nauczaniu jezuitów polskich w latach 1564-1668 [The Vision of the State in the Teaching of the Polish Jesuits in 1564-1668]
Encyklopedia wiedzy o jezuitach na ziemiach Polski i Litwy, 1564-1995 [Encyclopaedia of Information on the Jesuits on the Territories of Poland and Lithuania, 1564-1995. Ed. L. Grzebień SJ]
1 – 1996
Paul Siwek SJ (1893-1986), philosophe et psychologue
The Body-Mind Dichotomy a Problem or Artifact
O odpowiedzialności – w dialogu z Martinem Buberem
Die ideologischen Scheidewege des modernen Polen
Cultura tra sacro e profano
Ruch przestrzenny jako stan
Władza państwowa a społeczeństwo obywatelskie w świetle nauki społecznej Kościoła
Elementy chrześcijańskiej nauki społecznej w książce Jana Pawła II Przekroczyć próg nadziei
Doświadczenie religijne w rozumieniu Antoniego Vergote'a
W. Sellars' behavioristische Gedankentheorie
Esperienza tragica come iniziazione secondo Lev Sestov (1866-1938)
Relatywistyczne i absolutystyczne pojęcie prawdy w Prolegomenach do czystej logiki Edmunda Husserla
Retoryka a filozofia w nauczaniu jezuickim. Assertiones rhetoricae, Poznań 1577
Jezuicka filozofia państwa w Polsce, 1564–1668
Thomas Młodzianowski SJ (1622-1686) - insignis Suarezianae philosophiae assecla in Polonia XVII saeculi
Book Reviews