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- diffuse projecting systems (of brain)
- neural event
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- Altered Carbon
- analytical agents
- archeology of law
- Aristotle
- artificial general intelligence
- artificial intelligence
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- Girard René
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- Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
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- Lacan Jacques
- Leontius of Byzantium
- Lévinas,Emmanuel
- love
- Mamardashvili Merab
- matter
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- Milbank John
- mimetic desire
- mimetic theory
- mixed reality
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- Non‑Cognitivism
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- Przywara Erich
- psychoanalysis
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- Republic
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- Ricœur,Paul
- robot
- sacraments
- sacrifice and christianity
- Sartre Jean-Paul
- scapegoating
- searching-self
- singularity
- substantial quality
- substitution
- suicide
- summoned self
- tag1
- tag2
- technoscience
- testimony
- the Absolute
- the sacred
- time
- transhumanism
- understanding
- Vattimo Gianni
- victims
- violence