
Information note
Date of online publication: 07 January 2021

Submissions Accepted

1Forum Philosophicum accepts submissions in English only.


2Papers submitted for consideration in Forum Philosophicum cannot exceed 15000 words, including footnotes and bibliography. They should be preceded by an abstract not exceeding 200 words.

3Publication in Forum Philosophicum is free of charge—Authors pay no publication fee to have their work published in the journal.

Cycles of Papers

4Forum Philosophicum accepts studies that take the form of a cycle of two interconnected papers. Neither of those papers may exceed 10000 words. Each paper should be readable separately, contain its own bibliography, and be preceded by an abstract. The abstract should refer to the other part of the cycle. The cycle of papers will be reviewed as a whole, but published across consecutive issues of Forum.


5Papers specifically discussing positions adopted and explored in other articles published in Forum are accepted and reviewed along similar lines to all other papers. Before publication, the submission having been accepted, the author whose theses are discussed will be contacted and invited to write a response of 2500 words in length.

Book Reviews

6Publishers wishing their book to be reviewed in Forum Philosophicum are kindly asked to send a copy of the book to the Editors. This copy will be offered to potential reviewers.


7Manuscripts should be submitted via e-mail to the following address:

Initial Submission Format

8We accept manuscripts in Microsoft Word, PDF, Open Office and Rich Text formats. All manuscripts should be prepared for blind review. The name of the author cannot be mentioned in the text. Neither the acknowledgements nor the references to the author’s earlier publications should make identification of the author possible. Authors are advised to replace any such references with the following comment, enclosed in square brackets as shown: “[omitted for purposes of blind review].”

9Manuscripts should be double-spaced, accompanied with a word-count, and formatted for printing on A4-sized or Letter-sized paper. If non-standard fonts are used, or the submission contains formulae, then a PDF version is strongly preferred.

10At the evaluation stage of the submission process authors are encouraged, but not required, to make their papers conform to the final submission format.

11If you wish to adjust the paper to the editorial requirements before submitting it, please see Manual for Authors attached at the top of the page.

Evaluation Process

12All papers submitted to Forum Philosophicum are subject to blind review by two reviewers. In cases where the reviewers disagree as to their conclusions, but at least one positive assessment has been given, a final decision will be made by the Editor-in-Chief. When a paper has been accepted for publication, the author may be asked to introduce corrections of a substantive, formal or linguistic nature. The evaluation process is described in detail in the section below, entitled Review process.

Final Submission Format

13See the Manual for Authors attached at the top of the page.

14In order to process a paper for publication, Forum Philosophicum asks the authors to send a manuscript prepared as a Microsoft Word, LaTeX, Open Office or Rich Text Format file. No PDF file may be accepted for final publication, as conversion from PDF regularly results in serious errors.

15Forum Philosophicum uses the documentation, typography, and orthography rules defined in The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition. While authors unfamiliar with Anglo-Saxon research practices may probably have some problems with formatting their papers in line with those requirements, we ask them to do so, paying particular attention to the issues mentioned in Manual for Authors. In 2020 Forum Philosophicum switched to Chicago 17th author-date system (previously, Forum used CMS16 Footnote).

16Users of citation management systems like End Note are asked to convert all field codes to text (Ctrl-A and Shift-Ctrl-F9 in Microsoft Word for PC, Command-A and Shift-Command-F9 in Microsoft Word on Mac, or Tools/End Note/Convert to Unformatted Citations) or to send their bibliographical files alongside their submission.

17If your paper contains international characters, mathematical or logical symbols, or is prepared in LaTeX, please consult the section below entitled Technical issues.
